sexta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2010

Financial Mentality

Last time we met we talked about our opinions regarding the origins of this present financial crisis. Both of you mentioned different topics but you both agreed on two topics "finance" and "mentality", hence the title of this post being "Financial Mentality".
I look forward to reading your posts on this matter and I will expect you to focus on this question in particular - should our financial mentality be submitted to training? If so, starting when (age) and where (family, school,...)?

1 comentário:

  1. Should our financial mentality be submitted to training?
    Yes, it would be a great option in order to prevent another severe crisis in the future.
    The recent crisis is a good opportunity to change a lot of thing in our mentality and educate our behavior (avoid over consume, help poor people, save money, etc…).
    It is time to think and look back to the past (think on the mistakes that we did …)
    I agree that the times are very dangerous. I fear for myself, my family, and for all of humanity. But, I have the optimism of life. I believe the human species can change. I believe that in the future we humans could relate with each other in a much more co-Operative way.
