sexta-feira, 23 de julho de 2010

Managers Training

It's necessary to complete my affirmation that the managers need training.
It's true that in Portugal criticizing Portuguese managers sounds strange and unpleasant.
Usually people say: they create employment. That´s true but it isn´t enough. We need more competitive companies and this goal will only be achieved if we have good management.
My intention is not to be unpleasant but to call attention for a big problem to the Portuguese economy.
In reality if we don´t have strong managers we don´t have a good economy.
The majority of Portuguese managers don´t have good abilities in order to manage the companies, they need more skills. They have courage and determination but a lot of times they don´t know how to solve the problems.
I think that, training in management could be a good solution. They need to know what is variable costs; fixed costs, gross margin; operating statement; balance sheet; etc. They need to know that, despite the company loses money, they can improve their treasury, etc..
They have to think that the financial statements are a good management tool not only to show the fiscal authorities.

quinta-feira, 22 de julho de 2010

The Portuguese Constitution

Yesterday the Portuguese newspapers spread about the PSD Portuguese Constitution revision proposal.
First of all I have to say that Portuguese people have other worries which are more important then this matter! But our politicians need to have other matters to discuss in order to entertain people.
Unfortunately important things, as the unemployment or the wrong wealth distribution aren't interesting to discuss.
About the PSD proposal. Today, I´m speaking only about one:
The permission to fire someone without reason.
I think it's a bad idea! Actually the present laws have enough hypotheses in order to fire someone, of course the managers need to have a reason, but the reason is so easy to get, that this proposal change is unnecessary!
Another reason for my position is the fact that the Portuguese managers usually don´t have enough ethics. People will become slaves!
Think about the consequences: everyday and at every moment you could be fired! It happens in the United States!
People have feelings, compromises, etc. On the other hand, companies have (or must have) a social concern about their workers. Today only money interests, nothing more.
The politicians think that this is the best way in order to improve our economy, unfortunately they are wrong. The lack of Portuguese productivity is not a workers' problem but a management problem! I don´t remember hearing this from the politicians.
If the government (or the opposition) gave training to the managers in order to make a good management, it would be better for all of us!
But it´s easier to hit the workers!
While our politicians think this way, we won´t change.

domingo, 4 de julho de 2010

The choice of name “It’s never too late to start” for this blog, was a very good choice. This sentence is very strong and appellative; it could give us enough energy to fulfill an impossible desire or dream.

I found this article in the web, and I would like to share it with all of you. Herewith, we can find recommendations to reach our dreams and visions that sometimes look impossible to achieve.

Everyone tends to have a vision, a dream, or a goal of something great that they desire to accomplish. But sad to say, not many will realise this desire of whatever they want to achieve. Why? It is simply because they have not made that one move necessary to jump-start this vision, dream, or goal inside them. And there are a lot of reasons they will give for this inaction on their part .
A chinese proverb says:" the journey of a thousand miles begins with a step." This holds true for any task that anyone wants to accomplish in this life. It is never too late to start whatever you want to start, no matter the situation or circumstance you find yourself . What needs to be done is for one to make that move that will start the process of accomplishing that goal, vision or dream. We all know that most successful enterprises of today were at one time someone's dream nurtured in the face of all kinds of contrary situations.You can never achieve anything in life if you wait for perfect conditions, because there may never be any. Do something about your dream, don't let it die with you.It could make a whole of difference for someone on this earth. Get all necessary skills, information and other resources to enable you achieve that dream, vision, that is lying dormant inside you. Let it loose!